Some years ago my father had a heart transplant... You never plan for these things they just happen. The biggest problem with any sort of transplant is that someone has to donate their body, or parts of it, and the people around them have to know their wishes.
Unfortunately people die on the waiting list because people haven't talked about donating their organs with their family and friends.
My father was fortunate to have the help of a gifted surgeon and was able to survive for 40 days on an artificial heart. At the time 40 days was the record (the record was broken by the next person who needed it) and unbelievably his health actually improved while he was attached.
One of the people I now work with has had a transplant and his wife has also had a transplant. Please check out this website for an idea that may just save someones life...
Oh, and discuss organ donation with everyone you love, it may just be the most important thing you do today...
Great and interesting post Malcom.
Amazing on your dad having an artificial heart for 40 yrs. Thats so wonderful.
Hmmm? You missed the mark a little on this one Ruby. Artificial heart for 40 days...
Lived for another 7 years after his transplant.
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