Sunday, 8 March 2009


Next weekend there is an airshow at Avalon near Melbourne. I'm looking forward to it as I've been to smaller airshows but haven't been to one with the modern military jets.

This morning I heard the rainbow lorikeets in the trees outside and I thought that it might be a perfect opportunity to try my hand with my 70-200 and 2X teleconverter. This gives an effective focal length on a DX sensor of 600mm which should be heaps for the airshow.

So I mucked around a little and then the birds took off, panning with them I just left my finger on the button and took a series of photos. Some were sharper than others and this was the best one. I still have work to do to get good at this but one thing I did learn and it's critical - Keep Both Eyes Open When Panning!

It's the only way to relocate the moving object if it moves out of the viewfinder.

1 comment:

Old Timer said...

Keep both eyes open.
I like that.
I'll put the advice to work when I'm after my" Pelicans
Coming In"
PS Lakeside at Lonsdale was breathtaking this morning. My Nikon at home! #$%@
Keep shooting.