Sunday, 5 April 2009

Walk around Melbourne...

I went into the city this morning with my camera. The plan was to see what I could find that was of interest to photograph with my 50mm lens.

On the technical side the 50mm lens on my D200 camera gives a cropped view similar to a 75mm lens would on a full frame sensor or 35mm film. The lens has a largest aperture of f1.4 but I didn't really play much with depth of field today...

One of the really cool things about Melbourne is the variety of architecture (look up once in a while) and the array of interesting alleys and laneways.

There are some very gifted graffiti artists out there and some that aren't so talented...

And there are some things that make you go "Hmmm???"

1 comment:

Craig Peihopa said...

Great shots Malcolm. I love going around Melbourne myself