I have been looking around all of the photography blogs I can find - well those that list themselves as photographers anyway (apparently there are 13000 of them in blogspot land alone. I am up to about the 1000 mark)...
I need to change my profile photo! Some of you are very good looking! My photo is just that little bit scary and certainly not as professional as I should have it if I am to call myself a photographer...
Self portrait time.
May need to wait until the hayfever settles down otherwise I will just look scarier (then again, Halloween is just around the corner).
Lighting On the Salt Flats with UPAA!
There is hard light. And then there is the diamond edged, stiletto-like sun
that careens […]
The post Lighting On the Salt Flats with UPAA! appeared firs...
1 week ago
Are you on Flikr?
Flikr is a barrel-0-fun for snappers and serioooooooooous photogramaphers....
No, I haven't really got into it. I know it's there and that there are some excellent images to find, I just haven't spent a lot of time on it.
There are just so many photography websites and ways for people to share their images that it can all be a little daunting.
I will look up "photogramaphers" on Wikipedia to see if it means what I think it should mean? LOL
Photogram; a photographic image made without a camera. Usually by placing objects on photographic paper and exposing it...
So, I guess, someone who makes photograms could be a photogramapher???
Scary that there is pretty much a word for everything!?!? :)
PS: type photogramapher into google and the first comment comes up "Did you mean to type Photographer?" LOL
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